Saturday, May 14, 2022

Ch Ch Ch Changes

I came back to this blog a little over a year ago or so thinking I'd really get back into writing. I was missing talking, thinking, doing and writing about forensics. I still do miss all those things but it seemed like I just couldn't find the time to really do anything about it. My job consumed so much of my time and energy that there just wasn't much left for anything else. My last post here was nearly a year ago.

Since then, life has taken a very positive turn. I enjoyed the work I was doing in the home improvement store electrical department but it wasn't really where my heart was. I knew I still wanted to be working in some type of tech related job but I didn't see much chance for that. That changed back in February when I fell into a job I absolutely love. My daughter texted me about an IT technician job for our local community college she'd seen posted. I taught an introductory computer forensics course there a few years back and knew it was a great place to work.

My first thought upon receiving the text from my daughter was "I've got to apply for this now!" The second thought came from my ever present self doubt saying "they'll never want to hire me" and I proceeded to forget about the job for a while. A few days, maybe a week later I decided to go ahead and take a chance and apply. Much to my surprise and delight I was called for an interview. A few hours later I got a call offering me the job and I immediately accepted.

I had no experience working with IT on this level before, so it's been a fun learning experience so far. While I ran my own part-time IT business for many years, my clientele was largely home based with just one or two computers or other devices. In this new job I'm enjoying learning about working with computers and other devices on a large network. To help me learn about things like Active Directory and Group Policy I decided to set up a domain on my home network. I've got that up and running now and will be doing a new post about that "soon".

My plan at this time is to start blogging more but broaden the subject range. While I will still write about digital forensic topics from time to time, I'm also going to write about other tech stuff that I'm learning and doing.

So I'm wondering if my blog needs a different name. It currently has the most boring name I could think of and it would be nice to change it. Someone suggested I change it to "Pryor Knowledge" a while back (EDIT: It was Phill Moore who suggested Pryor Knowledge...thanks Phill!)

I considered that but came to the conclusion that "No Pryor Knowledge" might be more appropriate. If you've got a good name for the blog, make a comment below and let me know!

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